Pages: 280
Rating: 4/5 stars
Source: Goodreads giveaway
Moments before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the seven Archangels remove powerful, ancient artefacts from the Jewish temple. These are given into the safekeeping of seven men. Throughout the ages, these men and their descendants become known as the Seven Sentinels.
In medieval times, the Seven Sentinels formed various military Orders as a cover for their activities. Today, of the Seven Sentinels, two are dead and two have turned rogue, which means only three remain to carry out their roles.
A war rages between Heaven and Earth. It is up to the newly empowered Seventh Sentinel to stop the rogues and Fallen Ones, from using these artefacts to gain control of the souls of mankind. Can the Seventh Sentinel endure?
My thoughts
Books by independent authors that I have read so far have not been that great. Usually there are some plotholes and a lot of spelling errors. However, with this book that was not the case at all. The author definitely had the book properly edited for once. Because of that it was so easy to read this book. The lines just flowed naturally and I did not stumble over any spelling errors. From the text in this book I would not have been able to tell it was by an independent author.
This book is very descriptive when it comes to scenery and history. Because of this it took me a while to really get into the book, but it just kept getting better and better. The archangels and the spirit world were really fascinating and definitely my favorite parts of the book. I could see fans of the Mortal Instruments series or fans of Percy Jackson and the Olypians who want to read something targeted at an audience that is a little older really enjoying this.
Although the book includes religion it is a book that can be enjoyed by people who are both religious and people who are not. If you don't know to much about the archangels, there is enough explanation on them, but not so much or in a way that it comes across as pedantic.
The two best friends of the main character, Dante and Gaspar were in the beginning a little hard to tell apart, but it became easier throughout the book. One thing that annoyed me a little about the book was that there is one character who has pretty much all the information, but only shares small pieces at the time, 'because now is not the time'. At the same time I do understand that sometimes it is necessary for the plot, but If this would not have been a part of the book I might have liked it even better. Apart from these two points I absolutely loved the book!
Some of the plotlines are resolved in the book, but there are also some threads left open so I'm assuming it is intended to become a series. If this is the case, I would definitely read the sequel because I would love to know more about the archangels!
There are some really great independently published books out there, but I do know that there are also some that aren't just aren't the quality they should be. Hiring an editor is essential! (Of course, I'm a bit biased since I'm a freelance editor, but I stand by my opinion!) :-)
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I defenitely agree with you! Even the best writers might overlook some errors in their manuscript, just because they have been looking at it for far too long. Unfortunately most of the self published books I've read have not been properly addited, but I was so glad that this one was! It made for a very easy reading experience.